I have spent many hours in the last few months driving, walking, biking around Lee's Summit. It is a large area. I have since been told that it is the 2nd largest city far as overall space (64 square miles) in the state. I find myself in good company in such movement across this land.
Abram (before he was Abraham) so many years before me was told by God to lift up his eyes and look every which direction. All that Abram was able to see was land that the Lord was promising to give to he and his offspring...forever (Gen. 13:14-15). It is interesting to note just a few verses following the Lord challenges him further to see the expanse of God's promise and rule when the call is to "walk through the length and breadth of the land" (13:17). And as he walked, he could see further, and if he could see further, he could know that it was one day going to be realized as his. Of course in the longer plan God had to bring about a complete fulfillment of this, it is Christ in whom we find this manifest. We are the offspring of Abram in that we are those of faith, even as he was of faith (Rom. 4:16). The point is that the land God had for Abram and his offspring is finally understood and realized not merely in a small space we might now call Israel, but in all that is called earth. And of course the coming Kingdom of Christ will reveal His rule expands to and through the entire universe, and worlds physical and spiritual.
And so we need not look at the expanse of our world, our state, our city and feel as though only pockets belong to Christ. It may look that way to an outsider who drives through, or even lives in the areas mentioned, who sees the church buildings around and concludes Christ owns small parts. I think it is time to drive around and dream. Dream often of the coming day where Jesus shows us His rightful ownership of everything. Dream often of the opportunity He affords us to speak of His rule. He will one day remove all those who are on His territory, but in the meantime He extends an offer to possess it with Him and for those who embrace the offer they stake claim to eternal possession of it, with Him, in His presence. That is what I want to dream about as I look around at the length and breadth of what I can see.