Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A New Vision Regarding Something Old

It is so easy to think church and church planting is merely about finding a method, finding a few tasks, and then to strategize toward these.  I am convinced we haven’t done wrongly in our effort to search, research, view and review what the early church in the book of Acts did and even try to model much of our church/planting and lives after that.  It is amiable.  But, be challenged by this: they spent time with Jesus.  They spent much time with Jesus.  If we are going to try to take what they did and do it, we will miss entirely.  It will be powerless.  Indeed throughout Acts there is this underlying reality that the apostles KNEW Jesus.  They knew Him.  They spent time with Him. They learned from Him.  They marveled at Him.  They wondered about Him.  They talked often of the greatness of Him.  They asked of Him.  They didn’t somewhere get sidetracked by the fact that they had a task to do.  Indeed, the task was an overflow of their knowing Jesus.  And so rather than spend time figuring out how, we are going to a deeper question and more powerful source - Jesus Himself.  I trust the knowledge of Him will rightly inspire, motivate, guide, direct, consume, compel us.  Too there is a refining work He will do as we once again, for the first time, fix our attention on Him.  

In regards to vision - this is my vision: that we all see Christ better.  That we all delight in Him all the more.  That we know Him to be our sufficient, superior treasure above all else that this world has to offer us.  I am convinced that Christ our delight in Christ is our victory over the sin struggles we face.  A better view of Him will cause our lives to show increasingly who He is, just in our demeanor.  A clearer picture of Him will cause us to talk about Him, share Him, show Him.  And I believe an understanding of Christ and all He did to reconcile us to the Father, is the greatest reminder of who we are, and how we can do this thing called community, or life together.  

So consider some of the activities of the early church.  They would actually eat together in the homes of one another (Acts 2:42, 46).  It is easy to make that the template and seek to mimic it, without a deeper understanding of it.  It is not just about community, but it is an expression that bleeds the gospel.  Consider Christ.  He ate with the disciples.  In spite of how holy, how loving, how just, how infinite HE IS, He was still willing to step into a world of sinners, who hate, who are every bit unjust in a variety of ways, and who are mortal creatures.  An understanding of the gospel and of what Jesus did, even in something like meals together with those who were so different from Him becomes a model for us.  So let us put aside our gender differences, our political differences, our ethnic differences, and socio-economic differences, because ultimately Christ laid aside so much even to dine with them.  Further, consider for a moment the eagerness of the early church to sell what they possessed for the sake of others (Acts 2:45).  Rather than make this the template with no apparent reason other than the early church’s example, let us consider deeper the reality of the gospel in this.  Christ laid aside a throne in heaven to come to earth.  Christ laid aside the comforts of heaven for the pains of earth.  He laid aside a crown to instead wear a crown of thorns.  He took upon Himself our sinfulness so that He might make us righteous.  This is the great exchange.  So let not our efforts to meet needs of one another speak anything less than the gospel.  And on and on the activity of the early church profusely reflects the gospel.  Let us be sure we see the great gospel in all we are and in all we do, rather than just do things in which the gospel is not seen or understood. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Business of Being Sent

"Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt."   - Ex. 3:10

The word of God to Moses as he stood there on his bare feet in the sands of Midian was something surprising.  Moses is not seeking this encounter with God when he happens upon this burning bush.  He is engaged with the duty of looking after his father-in-law's flock.  Moses though wasn't about to take this news as something sad.  Indeed some 40 years prior he saw firsthand the oppression of his own people and tried to alleviate some of the oppression and deliver his own race by killing an Egyptian.  Moses would have most definitely received such a word of deliverance for his own people from the Egyptians as great news.  And now to think he would be involved in it.  

It seems simple.  All he has to do is go to Pharaoh and bring these people out of Egypt.  This one verse gives the objective of God's design.  It is very simple.  Or is it?  In just 20 words (fewer in the original language) God lays out this design of His, and yet it is far more weighty than we might think.  Moses has no clue of the when of this.  He has no clue as to what Pharaoh's response will be like.  He has no clue as to the difficulty of leading these people.  He has no definitive instruction on how long he will lead them and to where they will go.  He doesn't at this stage know just how God will bring them out.  He doesn't know the ensuing crossing of the Red Sea as a result of their exodus. 

This has ever been the conundrum in which we as humans find ourselves.  God lays out a plan.  We stand firm in conviction that it will be every bit as He said.  But then there comes a time in which we have to face the unspoken details of His design.  But there is something to be learned from guys like Moses who went before us.  He eventually learned and saw the 10 plagues.  He eventually saw and dealt with the obstinate heart of Pharaoh.  He eventually saw and dealt with the opposition of his own people as they journeyed.  He eventually learned where they were going.  

We think we would rather read this story and see God lay it out all at once, but He didn't do that.  He gives us the big picture, but no insight into details of this one early on.  That came though, over time.  The reasons for this are endless.  I'd briefly conclude that God's purpose for not showing all at once is: 1) for the development of our faith, 2) to surprise us and cause awe to fill our hearts when in His perfect timing He does what we never imagined.   

And so again my resolve is no less to plant the gospel here in Lee's Summit and watch God establish a church.  My heart has been burdened as such.  It was to this end that God moved us here.  Since then though He hasn't revealed a lot, but still I find: 1) Every day I depend upon Him and my faith is growing, 2) He is surprising us and causing us awe as we see things that He does as we go.  We press on in hope.  God spoke to my heart and convinced me to move here to Lee's Summit.  But rather than get down and worry about people, provision, a place to meet, souls to be won, when, how, where it will all transpire, I find myself rather saying, "I have all I need for now and in His timing He will unveil more, and so I will just keep on doing as He convicts my heart."

So press on believer.  Christ is coming back.  I don't know when, and in the meantime I don't know all the details of what this world, your life, my life will look like.  But I know He is coming back.  Let's help people get ready and get right with God through Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 18, 2013

I'm Going to Talk to Him Who...

I have thought far too little of prayer.  It has been every bit eye-opening as of late how miniscule my view of prayer has really been over the years, when for the first time I am beginning to pray with expectation.  Further, passionate prayers have been so much more prevalent as of late.  None of this to say I have arrived in the least bit.  

It is almost as though we can be deceived into thinking prayer is where the power is.  Don't get me wrongly, I am not dismissing prayer as powerless, my introductory words would seem contradictory if that is what you assume I have concluded.  But prayer is every bit powerless if it is done without faith, done without passion and expectation.

And then there is a deeper realization I am coming to in all of this.  And apart from this  understanding prayer is really impotent, but with this understanding prayer is every bit life-changing, and able to change our very circumstances as a result of this.  That is, when we start to realize who it is we are talking to when we pray.  

I found myself beginning a day in prayer recently with the words "I'm going to pray to Him who..." and then I went into a series of characteristics and accomplishments of GOD Himself.  Concerning God, I simply said, "WHO created all that is, WHO has no beginning, WHO cannot be measured, WHO is wholly other than anything or anyone I know, WHO has all power, WHO is love, WHO knows all, WHO has no rival, WHOSE kingdom reigns forever and ever."  Of course I could go on and on and on about more, but you get the idea.  In this I have realized something wonderful.  It is no longer about what I need, but the ONE I need.  It is no longer about my questions, but how I know the ONE who is the answer to my desires, pains, and hopes.  It is no longer about when I need this, but taking that very moment to delight in HIM.  And on and on and on my heart and mind got swept up not in "prayer" but in HIM to whom belongs all glory and honor, majesty and power, for all ages, now, and forevermore.  

Let the realization of WHO you and I appeal to inspire in us a deeper delight to ask big things of our immeasurable GOD who seeks to glorify Himself in us.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I am here.  But where is here?  This was supposed to be the place I came to meet God in a new way and see Him use me in the lives of people hereHere doesn't feel like such a place though.  It is lonely here.  Oh God is every bit here, but never have I so questioned my purpose for being here.  As I am here I have thought often about how it might be for me over there.  But I am not there, I am here.  In here I find myself wrestling, struggling over all I am and am not certain.  I am frustrated here.  I am trying to be useful here but over there they are useful (or so it appears).  Here I pray often, out of passion, desperation, utter dependence.  Here I know Christ...better than I did thereHere I desire Christ...more than I remember thereHere I speak of Christ...more than I ever did there.  And so even if here doesn't provide the "proofs" like there, I will remain...here.