Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Blessing of NOT KNOWING - Reflecting on Max's 2nd birthday

Pure joy!!! (and this, just 5 mins after throwing up)

I speak for myself when I say, "I know so little."  And as life moves on by, seasons shift from one into another, and the number of our years of existence span longer and longer, we prove how little we really know.  But it is in this "not knowing" wherein we can then learn what was otherwise foreign to us  (enough philosophical introspection already). 

Just about two and a half years ago my wife and I received the great news that we would be having our third child.  Given as we were wanting a third, the news was welcomed with extreme joy and excitement.  It is a big deal to have a child, and somehow the novelty of it doesn't wear off just because it is your third.