Friday, January 10, 2014

God's Throne: To Approach or Not to Approach?

I've never dared to during any term of a recent or current president, or felt the need to hop the fence outside the White House and go to the front door and demand to talk to the president to ask for what I wanted and needed.  Indeed, I'd probably be tackled, and afterwards face some considerable legal action against me.  Now consider: the presidency of the United States is every bit nothing in comparison to the throne of God.  There have been 44 U.S. presidents...but ONE GOD.  The office of president was first assumed in 1789...but GOD has reigned for eternity, from before time.  And every 4 years we at least hold another election to determine the next president of the U.S...but in 10 billion years GOD will remain and He will be on THE THRONE and will be on this throne FOREVER.

How dare I approach Him?  What right do I have?  And yet we think we can, and even that we should Him.  And in the Bible we are told to "draw near with confidence to the throne" (Heb. 4:16).  Every bit of our ability to access the throne of God is enabled because of Christ.  Indeed, it is solely because of Christ that you and I can access this throne.  It is like when I was a kid and I would be at my friends house. I would regularly enter his kitchen and take something from the pantry to eat without being questioned.  His dad never looked at me and asked either "who are you?" or "what are you doing?"  No.  He would only look and say, "Help yourself."  It was because of my association with his son.  So too with accessing the throne of God.  My belief in His Son, Jesus Christ enables me access.  

I bring this up for two reasons: 1) we need to ask big things of God, and 2) we need to ask often.  We need more often to realize that what we approach is a throne.  We approach a throne that has no beginning, no middle, and no end.  The One on this throne is infinite in power, in wisdom, and resources.  He needed nothing to create all that is.  And yet we find ourselves limited to ask much of anything of Him.  Our faith in Him is limited by what we don't see, understand.  But if it is true that He was without limitations when there was nothing, why would we believe He is somehow limited now?  The fact is this: He rules and His THRONE is evidence of that.  Nothing is outside His command and authority.  So ask God and ask big things of Your Big God.  And secondly, this throne is one of grace (Heb. 4:16).  While in our recognition of His greatness overwhelms and we think we have no right, nor ability to articulate, we need to remember there is grace.  When the willful behavior to sin and subsequent shame has us feeling immensely unworthy and speechless to ask so much as anything, let alone anything big, let us remember this throne is one OF GRACE.  Our access to it is no small thing.  This is the greatest hope we can have as believers.  It is evidence of a true relationship with God.  So come to it, come often, come confidently, and ask immense things of OUR IMMENSE GOD.  Do it for your joy, and for His glory.

"Why do we mistakenly think that God is offended by our prayers for the impossible?  The truth is that God is offended by anything less.  God is offended when we ask Him to do things we can do ourselves.  It's the impossible prayers that honor God because they reveal our faith and allow God to reveal His glory."  - Mark Batterson - Draw the Circle

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