Monday, April 28, 2014

Well Done Good and Faithful Son, Student, Employee...Christian?

I've always taken responsibility very seriously.  And it seemed that proportional to the power over me, I generally responded respective to the weight of the leadership above me.  For instance, I am sure I did a few things as a kid that my parents wouldn't have approved of, but overall I learned early the importance of responding to what they asked of me.  So whether it was the dishes that needed to be done, or the lawn that needed to be mowed, I generally responded very responsibly with what was entrusted to me.   Of course there was school as well.  I was never the smartest of kids, but I found out quickly that I did well to do what was asked of me in the classroom and what work was required of me outside the classroom.  These teachers I encountered at all different levels held a tremendous amount of power over me and my potential future.  Responding to what they were asking of me, in a manner that honored them would ultimately serve me well.

And whether it be the response of a child to a parent, or a student to teacher, the benefits are numerous.  When I did the dishes I found that I was only doing what was expected of me, and yet it had a way of really causing my mom and dad to be pleased with me.  I did not earn their love, but I did gain more approval from them and earned more trust with them.  It benefited me greatly to do what they were asking of me.   And this principle was the same with my teachers.  Obviously my grades would depend upon my response to what they were demanding of me.  But too, I discovered that I could quickly gain favor from them if I respected them.  I found myself rarely "bucking" the systems they had set up, but agreeing to do as I was asked with regards to their classroom policy.  It gained me much respect and favor from them, and apart from my studies also became a key to earning me better grades (at least I believe it did with some).  

I think most of my bosses over the years would speak pretty highly of my work ethic as well.  I have been very punctual about getting in early and leaving late often times.  I have been known to step up above and beyond what the call or job description laid out for me.  I took ownership and so most bosses quickly entrusted more to me.  It benefited me greatly to do so.  I gained the approval of my bosses by responding to what was entrusted to me and showing responsibility therein.  And I am sure to this day that I would be able to approach most if not all of my former employers and get a great recommendation written because of my track record. 

I say none of this to boast.  By no means.  Instead, I say this because my eyes have been opened lately to how may areas in my Christian walk in which I have failed.  I am not even talking about blatant sin (though I and every Christian could well speak of this at indefinite length).  I am talking about all these things we know are demanded of us now that we are IN CHRIST but I've regularly fail to be responsible in.  I wonder why I have failed to be on mission for Christ for the greater part of my life.  I wonder why I have felt entitled to hold my breath, close my mouth, and say nothing to make Christ known.  I wonder how it is I could practice denying that the Great Commission is my responsibility.  I have pondered often lately just how it is I can be so indifferent toward the spiritually blind, lost, dead, broken, wicked people around me who display no regard for things eternal nor Christ, when this is my responsibility.  I have had to think about how I have sidestepped the responsibility upon me to help people around me grow up in Christ.  

A couple things which especially grip me in all this: 1) The One I am responsible to (God, the Almighty One), 2) The benefits for me in all this, 3) The lasting impact my obedience can have.  

I have responded to so many lesser powers.  With all due respect, my mom and dad are great people, and I love them deeply.  And a lot of my teachers were phenomenal educators and just great people who helped me grow intellectually.  I have had a number of great bosses over the years.  But none of these and not all of these collectively amount to anything worthy of comparison to GOD.  And yet I have obeyed much of the demands these mortals placed in front of me.  I need often to consider the One who calls me to obedience.  He sees all I do wrongly.  He sees all I do wrongly and still allows me opportunity to obey Him.  And He will see all I do that honors Him.  He misses nothing. And so rather than live in fear, I live in hope that there is no wasted work, no wasted thought, no wasted prayer, no wasted sacrifice, because GOD sees and knows all.  So let me learn to strive to honor Him in all!

Secondly, an allowance, or a good grade, or a job promotion, these were all good things for me, among other benefits.  But these are nothing compared to the great benefits that are mine when I obey GOD.  The joy that is mine in obeying.  The peace that is mine in obeying.  The purpose that is mine in obeying.  The growth that takes place when I obey.  And on and on and on this list could be drawn out.  The benefits for me in obeying GOD are such that there is no thing of which obeying Him does not benefit me.  Indeed, even when obedience has been unto the death of the person, it has been for their ultimate good and gain.  That is something my parents, teachers and bosses could not promise me, but GOD can. 

Lastly, when I begin to consider that GOD can use all of what I do in obedience to HIM (especially as regards the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ) I marvel greatly.  My doing the dishes had an impact on my family...for a moment in time.  It eased what otherwise would have been my mom or dad's burden.  It allowed for us to eat on plates and drink from cups.  But the impact of it was felt and then terminated.  And my good grades had no substantive impact, neither my job promotions.  And all this flowed from my obedience.  But my obedience to GOD especially in the proclamation of Christ has HUGE implications.  GOD saves sinners.  GOD heals the broken.  GOD brings the dead to life.  GOD gives sight to the blind.  GOD washes those stained by sin.  GOD will eventually bring to heaven those who respond to the message of CHRIST, even the message I proclaim.  That is an impact that is worthwhile because the scope of it infinitely outweighs all these other things I have previously thought so important.  It impacts souls, for eternity, to the Glory of God.

So what now?  I cannot help but see the deepest depths of my failure as a Christian.  I have been a good son, a good student, and a good employee, but in all honesty I am a pretty lousy Christian.  But there is grace.  There is this great reminder that God calls me to start today.  He says there is opportunity to begin to do these things.  And He is not measuring me based on my perfection of these.  But because of Christ He will ever see me in light of what Christ has done, which has become my own.  This is my hope and my peace and even now my motivation to start now.  

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