Friday, August 22, 2014

Looking in the Face of Darkness

The following is my reflection after sitting down and having a deep, detailed discussion with an individual who has been immensely hurt by others and by self.  I found my heart far more gripped than my head by what I can only describe as the "Darkness" I felt like I was looking into.  The following is a brief reflection over what still causes my heart immense pain...and HOPE!!!


I looked into darkness today.
It was scared and hopeless and without any real purpose.

I saw the broken dreams it has brought.
I saw its many lies, many of which had since been disproved, but many more of which had yet to be discovered to be the lies that they are.

I could smell the morbid odor of decaying flesh in my midst today. 
The rank of something dead, even if it appeared alive. 

I touched the cold body that was fixed with rigor mortis bearing in it the signs that points to the cause of its demise.

And in it all I heard a faint cry that grew louder as I looked, smelled, and touched. 
But the cry was not from without, but instead it was within.

I heard a cry to God from my chest that rose up into my mouth and escaped with violent force.
The cry was an aching one that I've never heard before.  It caused my body to be burdened too deeply, and my heart crippled because of all the disgust and death and DARKNESS before me.

And so I cry - to THE LIGHT to overcome the darkness and for life to swallow this death. 
I call for Christ to invade this darkness and show the brilliance of Himself, all the more radiant against this dark backdrop.  And I call upon Christ to cause life to raise up out of death, and for the sweet aroma of joy and peace and purpose to be birthed because of Christ's work, even in the DARKNESS. 

"What we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.  For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness' has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of JESUS CHRIST." - 2 Cor. 4:5-6

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